Mobile power measurement with maximum precision
The Insoric Module
The module is quickly and easily fixed to the wheel hub and delivers highly precise results under real conditions.
Why Insoric?
The module is small (42mm) and light (27gramm)
Quick assembly
Easy assembly within one minute
No screw connection
No bolting to the wheel necessary
No overhang
No protrusion over the car body
No vibrations
No unbalance on the wheel and therefore no vibrations
High quality materials
for reliability and long-lasting use
The Insoric RealPower Software
- Available in many languages
- Easy to use / apply
- Continuous development. Updates with adaptations to current vehicle technologies.
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Quality management
Insoric meets the highest quality standards
- product quality is audited by the Federal Office of Metrology METAS
- Quality management: Testing accuracy is certified. Each RealPower Module undergoes tests by ICT (In Circuit Tester). The error detection is 99.99%. Complex and costly process ensures the quality standard of RealPower.
- Approximately 1,150 RealPower systems in use by customers.
- Six big German carmakers and further big suppliers as testimonials
- RealPower is HF radiation-safe – testified by Siemens
- RealPower complies with the CE criteria “Conformité Européenne” with the applicable requirements that the European Community places on manufacturers.
- DTC audit for module attachment
- Approved for road traffic by TÜV Munich
The usability of the realpower and realspeed software is outstanding. To deliver a quality evaluation, as with any sophisticated measuring technique, multiple parameters must be integrated to reach the end result. This requires patience as well as competence.
Our Support
We want to make sure that you understand the Insoric software in order to enable you to use it properly and in high quality. Therefore, we will guide you from the beginning. Our support will show you how to use this product precisely and efficiently. As a consequence, you will profit from our vast experience. If you have any questions regarding the usage of realpower or realspeed, you can be sure we will know the answer!